Create the SPACE and life will follow…..

Where is this year going? How can it be that we are almost in August….almost through Winter….almost back to sunshine and warmth?

To all my followers and friends who have asked what’s Space 3happening with the Nourishing Space…I guess the simple answer is that LIFE is what has been happening….

Each week I’ve sat down to write and it just hasn’t flowed…..I’ve been blocking myself….finding another distraction….avoiding creating space…or as my dear friend said to me ‘maybe you’re just not Nourishing Yourself’…..

She was right…I’ve written on the blog before about the power of a positive mindset and the importance of creating space for yourself…but I can honestly say this is an EVERYDAY.CONSCIOUS.PRACTICE….

You see for me when life becomes busier….I have this way of filling the gaps with ‘stuff’…. and by ‘stuff’ I mean things that DO NOT MATTER…the house will be clean, the groceries will be bought, emails will be replied to, I’ll write ANOTHER to-do list….and what’s crazy is that to do it all…I chuck out all the POWERFUL, JUICY, INSPIRING things in my life like meditating, yoga, reading, spending time outdoors, thinking, doing NOTHING….’me’ time….really all the things that make me ME…..

SO.THERE.IT.IS….my confession…and you know what IT IS ALL MY EGO…..

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“If you are depressed , you are living in the passed. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present”. LAO TZU

When I read this quote it instantly summed up how I was feeling….I was so caught up in my thoughts and my ego with situations or events in the passed and feeling nervous and anxious about things that hadn’t even happened…..and when you get like this….you move further and further away from the present moment and further and further away from your TRUTH….

The beauty of feeling this way is that it can be easily changed. You can reverse what might feel like a downward spiral in a few conscious steps….

1. Breathe

Focus your intention on your breath…take 5 seconds to take a long slow inhale and 5 seconds to release….Repeat this for 10-20 times. Do this as often as you need to during the day…but at a minimum I recommend first thing in the morning (I do this while I’m still half asleep in bed) and last thing at night before you go to sleep…

2. Practice Gratitude

EVERYDAY think of 5 things that you are truly grateful for…that make you happy and that bring joy into your life….Either say them to yourself, write them down, share themSpace 5 with a friend, bring them up in conversation!

Practicing gratitude turns what we have into  enough.

3. Set your intention and see it through

Each day and each week think about what you what to achieve….start with one or two small changes. Declare it out loud. Mine is to meditate daily! Commit to yourself and set your focus to what you want to achieve.

Because where focus goes energy flows…..

So before you head into this week, before you get sucked into your emails and your mind starts racing to your to-do list…..STOP….BREATHE…..and CONNECT with how you want to feel this week and what you want to achieve and create in your life! Here’s to a week filled with Nourishment and creating SPACE in our lives xxx

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