Looking for the answers? Start turning inward…

I’ve been working through a lot of stuff lately….yes feeling a little flat, anxious, ‘up in my head’ and absolutely living in FEAR…(FALSE.EVIDENCE.APPEARING.REAL)….

As I worked through it all, each day I hoped that the answer would magically spring out at me in a magazine article or social media site….I was so caught up in finding a solution and I put so much pressure on myself that I manifested dis-ease in my body…Yes I believe that through all the stress, nervousness, negative self talk and pressure that I created a bought of the flu, a stomach bug and a car accident…..
And so as I sat in tears in my crashed up car… once I’d gotten over the initial shock and panic I started laughing and I thanked the universe for giving me a choice…..I could either choose to let this be the final straw.
OR I could choose to see this as the universe trying to give me one hell of a sign….
I realised in that moment that in all this searching…all this crazy behaviour that I was looking outside myself for the answers…and that what I was resisting all this time was turning inward….
Deep down I knew I wasn’t being truthful to myself….I had been neglecting my daily meditation… neglecting to create space for myself….neglecting to live on purpose….and all because I was so preoccupied with trying to ‘fill the space’….jesus the bloody universe had to crash into my car for me to stop and listen…..
And I turned inward…I stopped looking outside of me for the answers and starting to go back to listening to what my heart was trying to tell me….and you know what… I already knew the answers…I already knew what to do….I just needed to practice it.
And so I created space….I created space for the things that I love….that I knew were going to bring me back on purpose…..I didn’t need a detox, a juice cleanse, a guided meditation I needed to create space and SHOW UP FOR MYSELF…..
And I feel totally renewed….over the past few days nothing about my life has changed apart from my thoughts and my attitude and I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders….
I’ve journaled, meditated, set daily intentions, practiced yoga, gone for long walks, spent time in nature, nourished myself through wholesome foods, written in my gratitude journal, soaked in a epsom salt baths, had a massage and let myself sleep…..
I’ve given my body and my mind everything that I was searching for and I’ve started to let life flow again…

So when things get full on in life as we know they do….instead of searching for a solution….take this as an example that this is the time, more than ever to listen and trust what is true for you….Write your own happiness list….a list of things that bring you back on purpose…and when you go through one of life’s downs remind yourself of that list and start practicing a little self care and nourishes yourself…..you already now what to do beautiful….so be your word.
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